Thursday, 31 October 2013

Why do you think the Wise are OLD!

I have often wondered why the religious and nonreligious, talk about following the right path's, what you choose to do or what you choose to say will inevitably take you down a certain path. Paths can either be broad or narrow, it all depends on how You see it and how you let it affect You. Think of a massive highway system... Picture it in your mind and that you are racing in and out of traffic and you see all types of cars shapes and models, some driving fast some driving slow, cars stuck on the side of the road, some with dings on the sides and front, Black white and blue... This is how I see the path's, we start our journey wherever it may be, in mine or your life. There is always a starting point and a restarting point don't ever forget that.

Moving through the hustle and bustle of everyday life we see people either being able to cope with the paths or "the road they are on" while driving you see freeway exits to certain things in your life that you are finding it hard to make a decision on whether to take the turn or not. The point i'm trying to get at is that you can take the exits and you can always come back onto the highway(might be tougher getting back on because of traffic) and the road may become narrow but you can always get back onto the freeway.

To You, your path to narrow, to someone else your path is wide, never ever forget that always see the glass half full not empty, your journey is your own to take and that you as an individual make your choices and set out on that road alone r with friends, however if you get a flat or find yourself in an accident or run out of fuel there is always an emergency service you can use.

For me the emergency service is God for you it might be, your best bud, your teacher, dog, Dad, best butcher, Girlfriend, wife, Husband...

Why do we compare making the choice going "Down a path" rather than "Up a Path". I believe because its normally associated with high paced change in your life which can be scary and daunting, ie a ball running down a hill. I prefer to look as going "Up a Path" almost like conquering the mountain once you reach the the peak of your conquest. I would rather take up a path as going forward in movement not "Down a Path"

Communicate with the life lines in your life don't ever, ever run away from it cause few years later you could be telling a story to the ,Wife, Husband, Son, Daughter, Father,Mother, Uncle, Boss... The lessons you learn by not facing the sandy roads, to get to the golden highway.