Friday, 5 July 2013

Is waiting Patience or is it Patience waiting?

For as long as I can remember I have been told and over heard other people being told that, If you want patience put yourself in a situation that requires you to practice patience. All well being said then done , the only time I feel that i am patient is when I know the outcome to the situation rather than not knowing.

I have been waiting for sometime now needing, wanting an answer for what my true calling, desire is regarding my ideas and innovative thinking. I have always thought that if i'm meant to be who i'm supposed to be and I will find myself doing it and all I need to do is be patient and wait for the right time where patience  meets perseverance. The problem is with that I have been waiting for it to happen when I have only thought about it never acted on it, Yes sure I got my book of ideas, but they are suppressed in my book and not brought out to to life.

There is a reason why experience the opposite of patience, I feel that it is because we are not ready to experience the culmination of what it is that is causing the need to be patient.

If it is within bounds and it is something you can affect by you doing something by all means do it, but remember as a butterfly needs to break out of is cocoon on its own we too need to break through the clouds on our own. If you can see that as the final achievement you will be successful, I am currently putting this action to practice and im fighting as  hover but I truly believe I am not far, Maybe I should take the plunge as some would say and use the drop to put air beneath my wings.

Matthew Simon "You only know You are being patient when you're not patient"

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