Thursday 9 October 2014

Fear is limitless when there is a limit!

This is an enemy We can't see or touch but can only feel, it leaves us with pits in our stomachs, nauseating to a point of illness, nails bitten so they bleed, deep sighs and deep breathes fear grabs ahold of you and it never lets you go!

Fear is a state of mind where we feel that We can't control what is happening and going on around us. I speak from the heart when I share with you my fears and what they have done to Me in my life,

"I can't sleep at night without thinking of how can I become a better man or be successful or what people think of Me... The thing is I don't know what people want from Me? Other than Me! and I let it control me! What do I need to do? Why is it so hard to just see the route that I need to take in order to get Myself to where I need to be, I have been so consumed by My fears at a stage in my life that I began biting my nails, to a point where nearly every nail on my hand will have bleed at least twice a week. I have thrown up every morning afraid to face my fears and completely paralyzed by what they have in store for me. In short, I lost control of my mind, it was no longer being driven by Matthew but by fear. Once I unconsciously handed over the helm to the new captain Fear all I could do was hold on for the ride."

I have fears just like every human out there but the only thing is that I let fear drive me for sometime. A fear driven person can be lead to do an act in the wrong way, and in saying that I have not met one person who has acted out of fear and felt brave while watching a cartoon, the truth of the matter is that humans think fear creates an instinct like an animal that will save their life or protect their life(don't get confused with the will to live a survival instinct). Another instance where does fear come into making the correct choices for you. Would we allow fear to make decisions for us if its out of a feeling that we don't like, No one likes to feel fearful.

This may sound cliche but the only way to expel your fears is to face your fears, over the years that is all that was said to us when we felt scared "Face your fears Matthew dont run from them". So I started to think Fight or Flight, what would leave me staying or getting the heck out of there... I began to put myself in to scenarios where I would Fight or Flight and saw that I would fight 97% of the time however for most people filling out a form to actually emotionally experiencing fear dictates the opposite.

Remember you are what you believe you are!

After seeing that and really putting a value on what I would do in a situation that would cause me to react with a fight response, I then started to think how can I fight my fears in "fight response"... I started to talk about it to people tell them that I have fears and that these fears were real as You and Me, and I listed a few to them.

Then I began to see through the haze and can say that everyone including myself that has a fear... has limited themselves to a degree where they doubt that it can be accomplished.

By limiting yourself you have already given up! Dont limit yourself and especially dont let people limit You!

I then began telling myself - "Fear is limitless when there is limit" So dont limit yourself Matthew Simon

Tuesday 27 May 2014

Chained and Jailed by society!

We might not see our chains and see the bars to our cells but we are chain and jailed by society which it demands of us. Truly "Being free" what is that? Only a select few can honestly say that and the only way we will hear them say that is if we go looking for them cause if you asking the people around you when you are living it you won't find it. You won't see free people around sitting in a restaurants or in the line to buy popcorn, No this is completely the opposite of being free!

Look around You at any given moment, sitting at work in traffic we are chained to our desk or our trade till the time we have been paid to work, till that time has come to pass, You can't just leave work and expect to feel free even if it is a dream job, No matter what, at some point there will be a moment when you realize that you are actually not free. I have been wrestling with this for sometime now and the closest I feel to being free is when I only lengthen my chains, we are all slave to something, individuals experience this differently.

Until I saw it,the only time when one is truly free is when two instances occur in their life. When everything you see is like you have seen it for the first time, example: a kid watching a fountain show or an adult staring at the northern lights or a young traveler looking at the Eiffel tower for the first time. You see our problem is that we have trained ourselves to become numb to the wonders around us and of this world in all their greatness and amazement, instead we look at them once, three times feel that amazing feeling and forget about it and there is a drive for a want to see more, it is our greed we lust over more we want more and more! and more! everyday until we have slaved ourselves to fulfill these quests of seeing what we haven't seen. Working harder at work to provide these needs forgetting the value of just waking up after sleeping, breathing air that seems so simple but until you taking your last breath seems so scary.

We have forgotten how it is to be free we close ourselves off from the soul to the heart, the mind to the walls and bars that surround our lives, with gates and jobs. We place material wants above needs, because needs are not as freeing as wants!?, so we convince ourselves that we want these things in order to live a fulfilling free felt life. 

Free: Not under the control or in the power of another, able to act or be done as one wishes.
Its amazing if I had to ask people before they read this, how free they are, many say "yes im free".

Being free is nearly a state of mind where if your mind is chained you are chained discover where the first link of your chain began and break it, if that is too hard already: identifying one link at a time and breaking it. Yes this is slower but less scary. This being said it is not an easy thing to do as we have built our lives up by not being free, so naturally we are scared of the opposite occurrence because we can't see it and would it not be easier to see what the freest future holds?

Friday 16 May 2014

Is HELL not having what you want?

Often I hear people say, "This is Hell on earth"... This got me questioning what is hell to a person and hell taught by scholars? Each person has their own hell, as they own their own uniqueness, one persons pain is another's hell and another's hell is another's bliss. Do we share Hell or does hell belong to that one person, would you know you are in hell?

Hell explained and taught by religious scholars is described as the absence of God, is the opposite of Love, without. 

I really don't like talking about this topic, not because it scares me, because people tend to ignore me when I talk about spirituality , I am a religious person and I am highly spiritual weather you believe it or not, I have often had encounters with the realising fact that we are not alone, people say aliens I say different.

"The hard part is that something I desire is in front of me and the Hell'ish part is that I can't have it"... That's when it hit me Hell is going be HELL x 100000000! A simple way to explain what im thinking is, imagine being an addict of any sort, you cant quit your addiction, You cant hide from it, You cant suppress it, but You desire it even more you cant have it! It owns you, dictates to You, controls your Soul your inner being , there is absolutely no escaping it. 

Often I find myself not wanting something until I see it. This is where I think many people have rude awakenings, maybe not now, even in decades to come. I am human, I know what humans are like, we are open books, we are weak, and we will always be the same stretching through generations, young and old we will always desire something that someone else has even to an extent that we don't know what we desire till we die but the desire will be there.

Having said that, I believe that Hell will be everything you want and desire and more but with out it. 
Now Hell in my mind would be knowing this and not having it, more so the opposite of having it all (Heaven). At that moment you you feel like the student that had the opportunity to spot for that exam and did not even try. It will leave you with a bitter and spiteful taste within your being.

Matthew Simon " You wont know what Hell is till you see what Heaven is"

What have we done?

There comes a point in a persons life where they will be asked "what have You done". This can be asked in sadness, happiness, curiosity and in anger. It hurts my heart to see how people act and what people do, to a point where I hold back tears. Oh how humanity has lost its way, even more so to the point where this is the way of humanity. Life is so beautiful its a shame one could not stop to smell the roses with out being rapped, robbed, or killed.

I see seas of hate and white dresses fade, marriages broken, friends that have not spoken, loved ones with uncontrolled emotions. Non believers with different notions, true believers with multiple misdemeanors. The youth of the day are caught in a tornado of dirt and decay, abortion is the norm and growth is seen being a cursed newborn, loves true lie is where bodies lie warm. The light of the world is the quality of humanity thats measured without the quantity of what causes our calamity.

It hurts to say but what about the ones that lead people astray, the hurt in their lives is what defines them each day. The rocky display of a couple today to the example of the women on display, there is a destruction on its way, we can't see its on its way. The choice to pray or play or believe in yourself today is the question that brings us back to "what have you done?".

Its visible and silent the manifestation of ones imploding the concoction of destruction in lifes unknown potion it will reveal its ingredients when asked :"What have You done?"

Monday 9 December 2013

We are civilization of thinkers, We need to become doer's.

Last night I saw a tweet from Richard Branson "Compassion isn't a sign of weakness, but a mark of civilization."

Got me thinking where are we as a civilization what kind of civilization can we call it? To this day we can select one predominant civilisation age we are in. Which is the technological boom (cant wait to see an advanced age, probably not in my lifetime).

Pondering on compassion, weakness, mark of civilization...

We are in an era where technology is involved in 99% of the worlds professions. There is no time for compassion towards people that are not ridding the technological wave, the attitude and sad to hear is, if you can't keep up give up. You hear that a lot more from the older generation where we take for granted that they are just suppose to know and catch on quickly. 

We have a social responsibility to educate the people that are not able to grasp it at the level we can, in fact that is how civilisations advance to the next age, by education, the right education.

Passion should be the mark of our civilization, not compassion. As long long as we have a passion to exercise compassion, I feel that we would more accurately identify the mark of our civilization. Not being a weakness but purely a unspoken void.

The power of technology is now taken for granted, and many people expect other people to come up with the great ideas, thoughts, and goals for where they want or even to say what They expect from Technology.
We will remain in a baby phase of the tech era unless we show that we are willing to teach and learn. 

We are civilization of thinkers, We need to become doer's, 
We need to start doing and stop relying on other people to do for us.
We can do it together.

I believe in Us!

compassion is humanities passion towards less fortunate civilizations.

Thursday 7 November 2013

Greatness in a Person, is the sacrifice of oneself

“Love between man and woman cannot be built without sacrifices and self-denial.”
― Pope John Paul II

Being a very analytically inclined person, I have found that I question a lot of things, but the time has come where I don't question. There is a quest that every man embarks on and that is to find what is missing in their life. When I started my journey to seek that one thing that was missing in my life was very confusing and daunting: People said wait and it will come to you when you least expect it, They said you got to go out and get it, Well forget that after some time of doing both those exact things all I found was disappointment and self ruining. Some people come back from, the hurt, the disgust, the self loathing, finding themselves searching for something even more, and more viciously leaving a wake of turmoil behind them.

I have been through this and I am here today telling you that the wake of hate behind does not have to be one of hurt but one of happiness... I often thought that I need to find out who "I AM" is, not thinking how smart the play on words is that "Jesus" used. Let me explain "Jesus" knew exactly what kind of person he was, where He came from, His purpose in life. Wow amazingly after kneeling down for days on days in front of the Blessed sacrament it hit me like an adrenalin rush combined with butterflies.

"I am who I am" Love yourself, be happy and humble with who you are, its the world that tells you to forget who You are and create a New you. After that night once I woke, I went out not on a quest but on a journey... On that journey the one thing I was looking for became visible before my very eyes, it was the one thing I was missing from Creation and that is my "RIB" that God used to create another's world.

This woman never stole my heart but merely created room to hold mine beside Hers, almost like it is seen in pictures, put two human hearts together and you get the image im looking at. From there I looked at things differently.

My virtue is not mine to give away it is Her's, My heart, all my sacrifices belong soulfully for the one woman that holds my Rib within.

Superheros are called to have great responsibility because they have great power but why when it comes to the crunch to hold so much power over the people we love so dearly, we find ourselves not being a hero for them. Every Man wants to be a hero and wants to protect so then do it,
I strive to be that hero that man that stands out in the crowd knowing that I am that superhero.

"Greatness in a Person is the sacrifice of oneself" - Matthew Simon

The struggle of self to sacrifice is conquered by pride, one can not be selfish and selfless at the same time, the vow of commitment is is not for you it is for someone else who holds You to greatness.

Thursday 31 October 2013

Why do you think the Wise are OLD!

I have often wondered why the religious and nonreligious, talk about following the right path's, what you choose to do or what you choose to say will inevitably take you down a certain path. Paths can either be broad or narrow, it all depends on how You see it and how you let it affect You. Think of a massive highway system... Picture it in your mind and that you are racing in and out of traffic and you see all types of cars shapes and models, some driving fast some driving slow, cars stuck on the side of the road, some with dings on the sides and front, Black white and blue... This is how I see the path's, we start our journey wherever it may be, in mine or your life. There is always a starting point and a restarting point don't ever forget that.

Moving through the hustle and bustle of everyday life we see people either being able to cope with the paths or "the road they are on" while driving you see freeway exits to certain things in your life that you are finding it hard to make a decision on whether to take the turn or not. The point i'm trying to get at is that you can take the exits and you can always come back onto the highway(might be tougher getting back on because of traffic) and the road may become narrow but you can always get back onto the freeway.

To You, your path to narrow, to someone else your path is wide, never ever forget that always see the glass half full not empty, your journey is your own to take and that you as an individual make your choices and set out on that road alone r with friends, however if you get a flat or find yourself in an accident or run out of fuel there is always an emergency service you can use.

For me the emergency service is God for you it might be, your best bud, your teacher, dog, Dad, best butcher, Girlfriend, wife, Husband...

Why do we compare making the choice going "Down a path" rather than "Up a Path". I believe because its normally associated with high paced change in your life which can be scary and daunting, ie a ball running down a hill. I prefer to look as going "Up a Path" almost like conquering the mountain once you reach the the peak of your conquest. I would rather take up a path as going forward in movement not "Down a Path"

Communicate with the life lines in your life don't ever, ever run away from it cause few years later you could be telling a story to the ,Wife, Husband, Son, Daughter, Father,Mother, Uncle, Boss... The lessons you learn by not facing the sandy roads, to get to the golden highway.