Monday, 9 December 2013

We are civilization of thinkers, We need to become doer's.

Last night I saw a tweet from Richard Branson "Compassion isn't a sign of weakness, but a mark of civilization."

Got me thinking where are we as a civilization what kind of civilization can we call it? To this day we can select one predominant civilisation age we are in. Which is the technological boom (cant wait to see an advanced age, probably not in my lifetime).

Pondering on compassion, weakness, mark of civilization...

We are in an era where technology is involved in 99% of the worlds professions. There is no time for compassion towards people that are not ridding the technological wave, the attitude and sad to hear is, if you can't keep up give up. You hear that a lot more from the older generation where we take for granted that they are just suppose to know and catch on quickly. 

We have a social responsibility to educate the people that are not able to grasp it at the level we can, in fact that is how civilisations advance to the next age, by education, the right education.

Passion should be the mark of our civilization, not compassion. As long long as we have a passion to exercise compassion, I feel that we would more accurately identify the mark of our civilization. Not being a weakness but purely a unspoken void.

The power of technology is now taken for granted, and many people expect other people to come up with the great ideas, thoughts, and goals for where they want or even to say what They expect from Technology.
We will remain in a baby phase of the tech era unless we show that we are willing to teach and learn. 

We are civilization of thinkers, We need to become doer's, 
We need to start doing and stop relying on other people to do for us.
We can do it together.

I believe in Us!

compassion is humanities passion towards less fortunate civilizations.

Thursday, 7 November 2013

Greatness in a Person, is the sacrifice of oneself

“Love between man and woman cannot be built without sacrifices and self-denial.”
― Pope John Paul II

Being a very analytically inclined person, I have found that I question a lot of things, but the time has come where I don't question. There is a quest that every man embarks on and that is to find what is missing in their life. When I started my journey to seek that one thing that was missing in my life was very confusing and daunting: People said wait and it will come to you when you least expect it, They said you got to go out and get it, Well forget that after some time of doing both those exact things all I found was disappointment and self ruining. Some people come back from, the hurt, the disgust, the self loathing, finding themselves searching for something even more, and more viciously leaving a wake of turmoil behind them.

I have been through this and I am here today telling you that the wake of hate behind does not have to be one of hurt but one of happiness... I often thought that I need to find out who "I AM" is, not thinking how smart the play on words is that "Jesus" used. Let me explain "Jesus" knew exactly what kind of person he was, where He came from, His purpose in life. Wow amazingly after kneeling down for days on days in front of the Blessed sacrament it hit me like an adrenalin rush combined with butterflies.

"I am who I am" Love yourself, be happy and humble with who you are, its the world that tells you to forget who You are and create a New you. After that night once I woke, I went out not on a quest but on a journey... On that journey the one thing I was looking for became visible before my very eyes, it was the one thing I was missing from Creation and that is my "RIB" that God used to create another's world.

This woman never stole my heart but merely created room to hold mine beside Hers, almost like it is seen in pictures, put two human hearts together and you get the image im looking at. From there I looked at things differently.

My virtue is not mine to give away it is Her's, My heart, all my sacrifices belong soulfully for the one woman that holds my Rib within.

Superheros are called to have great responsibility because they have great power but why when it comes to the crunch to hold so much power over the people we love so dearly, we find ourselves not being a hero for them. Every Man wants to be a hero and wants to protect so then do it,
I strive to be that hero that man that stands out in the crowd knowing that I am that superhero.

"Greatness in a Person is the sacrifice of oneself" - Matthew Simon

The struggle of self to sacrifice is conquered by pride, one can not be selfish and selfless at the same time, the vow of commitment is is not for you it is for someone else who holds You to greatness.

Thursday, 31 October 2013

Why do you think the Wise are OLD!

I have often wondered why the religious and nonreligious, talk about following the right path's, what you choose to do or what you choose to say will inevitably take you down a certain path. Paths can either be broad or narrow, it all depends on how You see it and how you let it affect You. Think of a massive highway system... Picture it in your mind and that you are racing in and out of traffic and you see all types of cars shapes and models, some driving fast some driving slow, cars stuck on the side of the road, some with dings on the sides and front, Black white and blue... This is how I see the path's, we start our journey wherever it may be, in mine or your life. There is always a starting point and a restarting point don't ever forget that.

Moving through the hustle and bustle of everyday life we see people either being able to cope with the paths or "the road they are on" while driving you see freeway exits to certain things in your life that you are finding it hard to make a decision on whether to take the turn or not. The point i'm trying to get at is that you can take the exits and you can always come back onto the highway(might be tougher getting back on because of traffic) and the road may become narrow but you can always get back onto the freeway.

To You, your path to narrow, to someone else your path is wide, never ever forget that always see the glass half full not empty, your journey is your own to take and that you as an individual make your choices and set out on that road alone r with friends, however if you get a flat or find yourself in an accident or run out of fuel there is always an emergency service you can use.

For me the emergency service is God for you it might be, your best bud, your teacher, dog, Dad, best butcher, Girlfriend, wife, Husband...

Why do we compare making the choice going "Down a path" rather than "Up a Path". I believe because its normally associated with high paced change in your life which can be scary and daunting, ie a ball running down a hill. I prefer to look as going "Up a Path" almost like conquering the mountain once you reach the the peak of your conquest. I would rather take up a path as going forward in movement not "Down a Path"

Communicate with the life lines in your life don't ever, ever run away from it cause few years later you could be telling a story to the ,Wife, Husband, Son, Daughter, Father,Mother, Uncle, Boss... The lessons you learn by not facing the sandy roads, to get to the golden highway.

Friday, 5 July 2013

Is waiting Patience or is it Patience waiting?

For as long as I can remember I have been told and over heard other people being told that, If you want patience put yourself in a situation that requires you to practice patience. All well being said then done , the only time I feel that i am patient is when I know the outcome to the situation rather than not knowing.

I have been waiting for sometime now needing, wanting an answer for what my true calling, desire is regarding my ideas and innovative thinking. I have always thought that if i'm meant to be who i'm supposed to be and I will find myself doing it and all I need to do is be patient and wait for the right time where patience  meets perseverance. The problem is with that I have been waiting for it to happen when I have only thought about it never acted on it, Yes sure I got my book of ideas, but they are suppressed in my book and not brought out to to life.

There is a reason why experience the opposite of patience, I feel that it is because we are not ready to experience the culmination of what it is that is causing the need to be patient.

If it is within bounds and it is something you can affect by you doing something by all means do it, but remember as a butterfly needs to break out of is cocoon on its own we too need to break through the clouds on our own. If you can see that as the final achievement you will be successful, I am currently putting this action to practice and im fighting as  hover but I truly believe I am not far, Maybe I should take the plunge as some would say and use the drop to put air beneath my wings.

Matthew Simon "You only know You are being patient when you're not patient"

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

What is the value of a lie?

When you are forced to lie because you were told a lie is much easier than telling the truth. Why is it not the opposite way round where telling the truth should be easier?

I have thought about it and I put myself in many a situation where someone was telling me the truth and telling me a lie, I quickly realized that when the person telling the lie is emotionally invested into the subject. Many reasons why this is either one is ashamed, scared of what people think, proud, feel that they have disappointed.

Think about this when you have achieved something you will most likely think of someone to tell and that being said when you tell that person you will either tell the truth or tell a lie on the amount or the goal achieved, that is not the point i'm trying to get across it is that how we let our(yes even I fall prey to this) personal involvement within our relationship with the subject matter cloud our mid and what foundation your bond is built up on will determine whether you feel worthy of telling the lie or the truth.

That being sad look back and see if you were ashamed, emasculated, insignificant,felt that your best was not good enough and so on... you will definitely find yourself subconsciously disguising the lie by exaggerating it. Challenge yourself to not fall into that trap, I say "Humans will not like the lie but will respect the truth and if one does not respect the truth then they are not worthy of the truth"

I will and forever say "If one can't tell the truth what is the value of their word". The truth hurts I know, it always hurt if you not ready to hear it, but keep in mind how will you train yourself for the truth, if you dont know what the truth sounds like?

Why does the truth always hurt? It does not have to, we have always attached this stigma to the word truth where it must hurt in order for it to be the truth(real). Funny how People are willing to tell the truth to someone is only when they have gone so far that when they hear the truth it hurts, because deep down inside they know that there is a problem. We as humans should challenge each other and uplift each other that the truth is not only spoken but awoken.

It is thought and tongue that determines the courses we take and the courses we take is what describes the person we are.

Thursday, 27 June 2013

The People who Matter don't Care. & The People who don't matter, Care.

Stop putting all your energy into the things that don't matter in life, you are surrounded by people that love you and only want the best for you. Stand back, clean your lenses and see who cares. Often you will see who makes a big deal of a small deal matters least in your life. So many people now days take the wrong advice from the wrong people, This is a problem, why I say this is because the wrong people want to make themselves feel apart of your life and will most often leave you feeling in "no mans land" nearly 100% of the time.

People need to build people up with the building blocks of Love, All you need is love, Sounds very hippi and  soft but imagine you had to react professionally with LOVE, I mean who does that, That is why work is how it is today. There is no respect across boards, anger towards incompetence, no trust within circles.Think about this: All that you are today is because of you (either hard work or no work) and the people around you (Influenced in some sort of way). 

Most of the time when people have a problem with you or a hold of you. You will definitely be the last one to know about this at this point you will feel helpless and alone but remember that the people who matter love you and care for You!

Remember if people are judging you and speaking about in a negative light its because they are taking there sins that are hidden from the world out on You. When someone has committed a sin you will find that person will not judge you or condemn You, but they would rather pity you and pray or feel a sort of mercy for you, as they know how it felt to be in your shoes.

 "YOU ARE, Who YOU ARE and believe me God forgave You the second You were conceived"

I always say "If you wont regret it on your death bed, then don't regret it once you have done it" The body is left behind and the Soul lives on in eternity. Dont poison your soul with the reactions of people who don't matter in your life, take the love and the blessings when they come.

Once it is in the Light it is only you who can forgive yourself!

"The People who Matter don't Care. & The People who don't matter, Care."

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

The Birth of a good idea

Have you ever sat down and asked yourself what would make my life easier? Essentially that is how a good idea is conceived, I have heard and listened to many different people speak and write about great idea thinking and the only one that really stood out for me was the talk by @Clive Thompson. What he spoke about big ideas already being thought of already made me think harder, is it really a big idea if it has been thought of?

I began to dig deeper in to what people thought of big or great ideas are, and then it dawned on me, its only a big idea because it has been thought of already but there was no action towards the idea or even "the right place at the right time" even the right situation. The problem is that its not a needed idea and its the needed ideas that stand testament through time and face the tons of idea and critics out there.

Have you ever asked yourself what you need and what you would like for this issue or problem or that situation. For me that is the birth of a monumental idea... The need and want to solve a specific task swiftly and productively. That's an idea brain juices pumping eyes looking up to the heavens waiting for divine inspiration, head tilting from side to side, back and forth, hands blocking out the light to your eyes... Eureka? Nothing?

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

I Can go the Distance

People can say they have dreams, but I can say I became my dream. From when I can remember when I use to have thoughts of being someone who is respected and admired, was merely a little dream I had conceived in my mind one lonely night lying in bed. My thoughts would run rampant in my mind controlling, destroying my every positive thought that was keeping all the pieces of me together. Eventually falling asleep out of pure exhaustion waking up with the the first and only thought "Who is Matthew Simon", I don't know i have been asking myself this for a long time, So long that I have got it in point form of what people see "Matthew Simon" to be. Thats not good enough I kept saying not at all, cause if I don't even know who I am how will "Iam" KNOW! Yes as frustrating as it was finding out who "I Am" is, I eventually did it and it was not easy but in all its glory and humility I am "Matthew Simon". Sure you saying but that's just my name and surely out of 7 Billion humans on this planet there has to be more than one "Matthew Simon" so how could I be who I know "I am". 

Here is the best way to find out who you are I have done this on myself and on many other people and I can confidently and accurately come incredible close in telling you who you are. Please note that this is relating to me and not you...

I took the time to find what makes me laugh and makes me happy, Then I found that in a Disney movie and the Disney movie that relate to all me points is "Hercules"... It told it to me straight between the eyes, I was a clumsy teenager that had the greatest potential that I and no one can see, I let people saying things about me get to me I felt like an outcast, very unwanted as a friend and a companion, eventually seeking approval and a slap on the back from anyone. A song that was sung in the movie was  the Breaking deal for me, was a song sung by Hercules - Michael Bolton  "I can go the Distance"... I listen to this so at least once a week reminding myself that I do have what it takes and I "Matthew Simon" Can and will go the distance in order to get to my Mount Olympus...